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Detail pages

Details about selected objects

When accessing a database object through the viewer, you will be provided with a detail view. The exact information provided depend on the type of object, see below for more details.

Project details

The project detail page provides metadata and links to all the files and deployments attached to that project. See the project model object page for details about metadata.

Deployment details

The deployment detail page provides diagnostic graphs, metadata and a link to all files attached to that deployment. See the deployment model object page for details about metadata.

Device details

The device detail page provides diagnostic graphs, metadata and links to all files and deployments attached to that device. See the device model object page for details about metadata.

File details

The file page will visualise the file where possible and provide metadata. See the file model object page for details about metadata.

Diagnostic graphs

Where appropriate, the details about the object will include diagnostic graphs. Whether or not a diagnostic graphs are present currently depends on whether the type of sensor submits a daily report.

In all 3 diagnostic graphs, black bars represent dates when no daily report was received by the server.


% battery of a sensor over time.

SD card usage

% SD card usage of a sensor over time.

Files transmitted

The red line represents the number of files the sensor reports it has taken over time during the deployment. The bars represent the number of files actually received.