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File list API

List and update datafiles

This function will list datafile to which you have permission in the ARISE MDS server.


Parameters can be provided

Parameter fields

filename: Lists file with the exact filename as provided character string (note, no extension)

filename__contains: Lists files with character string contained in their filename (note, no extension)

filename__in: Lists files with filename in provided character string

format: Lists files with extension as in provided character string

format__in: Lists files with extension as in provided character string

datatype: Lists files with the datatype as in provided character string

datatype__in: Lists files with the datatype database ID as in provided string

deployment: Lists files with the deployment deploymentdeviceID as the provided character string

deployment__in:Lists files with the deployment database ID as in provided string

originalname: Lists file with the exact originalname as provided character string.

originalname__in: Lists files with originalname in provided character string

start_date: Lists files with a recordingdate greater than or equal to the provided date (format YYYY-mm-dd)

end_date: Lists files with a recordingdate less than or equal to the provided date (format YYYY-mm-dd)

created_after: Lists files added to the database greater than or equal to the provided date (format YYYY-mm-dd)

created_before: Lists files added to the database less than or equal to the provided date (format YYYY-mm-dd)

filesizegt: Lists files with a size (in bytes) greater than the provided integer.

filesizelt: Lists files with a size (in bytes) less than the provided integer.

hasobs: If set to True, will only list files with attached observations.

tarfile: Lists files attached to the provided tarfile.

extrainfo: Allows the listing of files based on extrainfo. Query is made using a character string containing keys and a value separated by "". The final character string after the last "" is assumed to be the value, all other preceding strings are assumed to be keys. For example, if a datafile has the following extrainfo:


the string provided to obtain this file would be "foo__bar__test"

Code examples


api_url = ""         
response =,{"username":username,"password":password})

#query based on existence of originalnames
api_url =  ""
#Get files based on a query
response = requests.get(api_url,
                         headers={'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(token)},

#query based on extrainfo
api_url =  ""
#Get files based on a query
response = requests.get(api_url,
                         headers={'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(token)},

#query based on date
api_url =  ""
#Get files based on a query
response = requests.get(api_url,
                         headers={'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(token)},


URL : api/File/

Method : GET

Auth required : YES

Permissions required : None for GET.
